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Elastic worker infrastructure
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


staging first:

  • D7606: Reuse rancher cluster (used for our gitlab in-house experiment)
  • D7600: elastic worker node needs a specific role with docker prepared
  • D7624: P1342: Upgrade proxmox vm template
  • D7625, P1343: Declare new vm template with zfs dependency ready (so automation is not requiring reboot in the middle)
  • D7607: Register vms to cluster rancher
  • Build more recent image (softwareheritage/loaders:2022-04-27) [3]
  • Push to softwareheritage hub registry (no ci just yet)
  • correctness: vms runs docker container images of lister/loader images [4]
  • Properly declare vms to run docker images of lister/loader services
  • Monitor services: install prometheus, grafana [2]
  • R260:4c8a3a64e725c15a16f95c454df2a0b63647cb02: Make elastic worker reports their statsd metric to prometheus
  • R260:fedd973b26a44c5470eeb0781feefcfab9e69724: Scrape prometheus exporter metrics (so the proper swh metrics show up)
  • D8381: Make "archive-staging" cluster's prometheus write its metrics an azure bucket (thanos sidecar process)
  • D8385: Expose the thanos gateway service which read that azure bucket
  • D8385: Update thanos query service to read that gateway ^
  • Determine whether metrics are actually queryable
  • D8398, D8400: Integrate lister to the archive staging cluster
  • Make "elastic" services' pushed their log to the main swh log infrastructure (related to journalbeat, logstash, ...) -> T4524
  • (Optional) Rework puppet manifest to actually run the registration command [1]

End goal:

  • listing and loading happens
  • resulting logs are pushed to our standard kibana logs infrastructure
  • stats results are pushed to our standard grafana


  • ci build swh docker images (we can reuse existing ones at first)

[1] It's currently proxmox but later we'll have to do it without proxmox with baremetal


[3] Built out of swh-environment's swh/stack image for now (and just tagged with loaders in it)


$ cd $SWH_ENVIRONMENT_HOME/snippets/sysadmin/T3592-elastic-workers
$ cat loader-pypi.staging.values.yaml
# Default values for worker.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.

  username: <redacted>
  password: <redacted>
  queue_threshold: 10  # spawn worker per increment of `value` messages
      - swh.loader.package.pypi.tasks.LoadPyPI


    image: softwareheritage/loaders
    version: latest
$ helm install -f ./loader-pypi.staging.values.yaml  workers ./worker
NAME: workers
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Apr 27 18:57:03 2022
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
kubectl get pods -w
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
loaders-6bf6ddd897-gjh2w   1/1     Running   0              10m
loaders-6bf6ddd897-kkb7s   1/1     Running   0              10m
loaders-6bf6ddd897-lxl6b   1/1     Running   0              10m
loaders-6bf6ddd897-sjl26   1/1     Running   0              10m
loaders-6bf6ddd897-t59p7   1/1     Running   0              10m
$ kubectl logs loaders-6bf6ddd897-t59p7 | tail
[2022-04-27 17:05:00,462: INFO/MainProcess] Task swh.loader.package.pypi.tasks.LoadPyPI[a54e5fb2-8bc0-4a42-a586-58b5f8d3ebc1] received
[2022-04-27 17:05:04,767: INFO/MainProcess] sync with celery@loaders-6bf6ddd897-kkb7s
[2022-04-27 17:05:04,773: INFO/MainProcess] sync with celery@loaders-6bf6ddd897-jflck
[2022-04-27 17:05:27,170: INFO/MainProcess] missed heartbeat from celery@loaders-6bf6ddd897-jflck
[2022-04-27 17:06:01,504: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] Task swh.loader.package.pypi.tasks.LoadPyPI[b1d7bc2f-1294-47fd-8c8b-00775fe6a990] succeeded in 61.043102499999804s: {'status': 'eventful', 'snapshot_id': '7ca9564774a0fc2bfc2cf1234c8816c5193e33c2'}
[2022-04-27 17:06:01,514: INFO/MainProcess] Task swh.loader.package.pypi.tasks.LoadPyPI[186abb71-8595-4e97-a26c-830fc472a5dc] received
[2022-04-27 17:06:56,132: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] Task swh.loader.package.pypi.tasks.LoadPyPI[a54e5fb2-8bc0-4a42-a586-58b5f8d3ebc1] succeeded in 54.61585931099944s: {'status': 'eventful', 'snapshot_id': 'f2eaeb4d4d729bb4dcdb26eadd48e6ead2af5c9b'}
[2022-04-27 17:06:57,748: INFO/MainProcess] Task swh.loader.package.pypi.tasks.LoadPyPI[89e482b0-7d46-477c-9737-ba286dca5f31] received
[2022-04-27 17:10:20,229: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] Task swh.loader.package.pypi.tasks.LoadPyPI[186abb71-8595-4e97-a26c-830fc472a5dc] succeeded in 202.43778917999953s: {'status': 'eventful', 'snapshot_id': '52565afbd0c3483cb76782f1d57303f6c02e52ed'}
[2022-04-27 17:10:20,242: INFO/MainProcess] Task swh.loader.package.pypi.tasks.LoadPyPI[6418b3f5-f8e3-41f2-91b8-a19d0220b746] received

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There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes
ardumont updated the task description. (Show Details)

To check the live content of the thanos-sidecar in the cluster (then port-forward, k9s tool helps a lot):

kubectl run thanos-query -ti --image rancher/mirrored-thanos-thanos:v0.17.2 -n cattle-monitoring-system --command -- thanos query --http-address --store prometheus-operated:10901