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Update deposit: `swhid` MUST exist in archive for a metadata-only deposit
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


The decision is clear to accept only SWHIDs that are already in the archive.

In the metadata-only deposit a swhid is required.
The existence of the swhid in the archive, on the other hand, is only recommended (with SHOULD in the specs).

With the option to potentially give metadata on an object that isn't in the archive, we open the door to new possibilities but also to human errors.

Should we restrict the deposit to existing swhids, or should we trust the deposit clients that they used the exact swhid they intended to use?

Event Timeline

moranegg triaged this task as High priority.Jan 7 2021, 3:06 PM
moranegg created this task.
moranegg updated the task description. (Show Details)
moranegg updated the task description. (Show Details)

My answer is a very emphatic YES.

There are many reasons for this, including avoiding metadata pollution, encouraging people to also deposit content to the archive, and hash collision risks (if we have not archived something, there is no guarantee we will ever use the hash contained in that SWHID for the software artifact that the metadata submitter thinks is referenced by it).

Thank you @zack for the quick response. I agree with you and do prefer archiving metadata for only existing SWHIDs.

In T2942#56223, @zack wrote:

My answer is a very emphatic YES.

There are many reasons for this, including avoiding metadata pollution, encouraging people to also deposit content to the archive, and hash collision risks (if we have not archived something, there is no guarantee we will ever use the hash contained in that SWHID for the software artifact that the metadata submitter thinks is referenced by it).


moranegg renamed this task from Decide if `swhid` MUST exist in archive for a metadata-only deposit to Update deposit: `swhid` MUST exist in archive for a metadata-only deposit.Jan 8 2021, 5:13 PM
moranegg updated the task description. (Show Details)
moranegg added subscribers: ardumont, vlorentz.

I'm renaming the task to an actionable item.