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document the typical cost(s) of hosting an archive mirror
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


It's already a FAQ from (wannabe) mirror hosters, so we should document how much it costs to host a mirror.

That depends on a lot of factors and we do not want to endorse a single specific way of hosting a mirror, nor advertise a single provider of hosting solutions. So one way to go about it would be to describe a handful of use cases and, where external service provides (e.g., public "cloud" vendors) are involved, include pricing from several vendors. I can imagine at least two macro use cases—self-hosting v. "cloud" hosting—with a few sub-use cases, e.g., scale-up/scale-out for self-hosting and at least the 3 major hosters for the other macro use case.

Event Timeline

zack renamed this task from document the typical cost(s) of hosting a mirror to document the typical cost(s) of hosting an archive mirror.Mar 11 2019, 6:10 PM
zack triaged this task as Normal priority.
zack created this task.

Where should this information be available?

  • on the main website
  • docs
  • a private location

Is this page enough?

It talks about requirements and not about prices.
But prices might be too complex to document.

@douardda what do you think?