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Modify deposit admin view to better reflect metadata-only deposits
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


Discriminate between source-code deposit and metadata-deposit in moderation/admin view.
We need to see clearly what type of deposit.
Also the name of column origin is misleading when it comes to deposit of metadata-only.

After the deposit storage has two columns origin-source-code and origin-metadata, the admin view should:

  • change origin to uriand insert there the origin-url or the provenance-metadata-url
  • add icon that represents if the line is a source-code-depositsor metadata-deposits
  • add information if this entry is an update or the first deposit
  • add dropdown menu to choose or different tabs (instead of checkbox):
    • all
    • content deposits
    • metadata-only deposits
  • add invisible client column
  • change directory column name to core SWHID
  • change directory with context column SWHID with context
  • use icon next to id-column to see metadata (this can also be using a link on the id itself-> see T3376)
  • change link on the content of the uri to stay in the WebAPP
  • add exit icon to go to the uri location

Event Timeline

moranegg triaged this task as Normal priority.Oct 21 2021, 12:01 PM
moranegg created this task.
moranegg renamed this task from Change name of column in deposit admin view from `origin` to `origin-source-code` to Modify columns in deposit admin view .Oct 21 2021, 12:09 PM
moranegg updated the task description. (Show Details)
moranegg renamed this task from Modify columns in deposit admin view to Modify deposit admin view to better reflect metadata-only deposits.Feb 15 2022, 2:41 PM
moranegg assigned this task to anlambert.
moranegg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ardumont changed the task status from Open to Work in Progress.Feb 25 2022, 6:52 PM
ardumont moved this task from Backlog to In progress on the SWORD deposit board.

Thank for the implementation and deployment of the deposit admin view!
Here are new comments for this new version:

  • name of metadata column and mention of metadata on each button is a bit redundant:
    • keep metadata column name or put the icons in the deposit-id column
    • place a info icon or other icon on each button
  • show the uri of the metadata provenance, it isn't shown at the moment- field empty (even if it sent with metadata-provenance)
  • show metadata in metadata box (currently it is empty)

Improvements to add from task description:

  • add information if this entry is an update or the first deposit
  • add dropdown menu to choose or different tabs (instead of checkbox):
    • all
    • content deposits
    • metadata-only deposits
  • add invisible client column
  • change directory column name to core SWHID
  • change directory with context column SWHID with context
  • change link on the content of the uri to stay in the WebAPP -> use permalink to directory+context
  • add exit icon to go to the uri location
moranegg changed the status of subtask T3376: Visualize metadata of a deposit in the admin (moderation) view from Open to Work in Progress.