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Implement a bulk-queryable cache of latest visits for use by the recurrent visit scheduler
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


To implement its scheduling policy, the recurrent visit scheduler needs to be able, fairly quickly, to get a list of origins and their latest visits present in the archive.

We also need to store more information, e.g. how long ago the last eventful visit was, whether the last run failed (and if so, for how long tasks have been failing), etc.

This cache needs two components: a database and associated API, and a journal client we can use to update it.


Event Timeline

olasd triaged this task as High priority.Jun 9 2020, 4:51 PM
olasd created this task.
ardumont changed the task status from Open to Work in Progress.Jan 11 2021, 2:03 PM
ardumont moved this task from Backlog to in-progress on the Sprint 2021 01 board.
ardumont added a subscriber: douardda.
ardumont moved this task from in-progress to code review on the Sprint 2021 01 board.
ardumont moved this task from code review to done on the Sprint 2021 01 board.
ardumont added a subscriber: ardumont.

Done (see subtasks for details)