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forbid dangerous changes to the main branches (master, production) in any repository


Rule Type
Applies To
Commit Hook: Branches/Tags/Bookmarks


When all of these conditions are met:

Ref name matches regexp @^(master|production)$@
Ref change type has bit dangerous change
Repository is not any of Restricted Repository, Unknown Object (Repository), Unknown Object (Repository)
Repository projects include none of Language-Puppet

Take these actions every time this rule matches:

Block push with message: dangerous changes to master or production branch are forbidden

Event Timeline

zack renamed this rule from to forbid dangerous changes to the master branch in any repository.
zack enabled this rule.
zack enabled this rule.
ardumont renamed this rule from forbid dangerous changes to the master branch in any repository to forbid dangerous changes to the main branches (master, production) in any repository.Oct 19 2022, 11:15 AM
ardumont edited this rule. (Show Details)
ardumont edited this rule. (Show Details)