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Jan 8 2023
Jan 8 2023
gitlab-migration changed the status of T2023: Re-implement gnu loader with package loader, a subtask of T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers, from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T2022: Re-implement npm loader with base loader, a subtask of T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers, from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T2021: Re-implement pypi loader with package loader, a subtask of T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers, from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T383: stay up to date w.r.t. new Debian uploads from Invalid to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T2025: Re-implement debian loader with package loader mechanism from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T2025: Re-implement debian loader with package loader mechanism, a subtask of T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers, from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T2024: Re-implement deposit loader with package loader mechanism, a subtask of T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers, from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T2017: package loader: Discuss revision metadata normalization, a subtask of T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers, from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T213: Create synthetic releases for Debian packages, a subtask of T118: Create swh-loader-debian, from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T213: Create synthetic releases for Debian packages from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T214: Create occurrences for Debian packages from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T214: Create occurrences for Debian packages, a subtask of T118: Create swh-loader-debian, from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T212: Create synthetic revisions for Debian packages, a subtask of T118: Create swh-loader-debian, from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T211: Load files and directories from a set of Debian packages, a subtask of T118: Create swh-loader-debian, from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T212: Create synthetic revisions for Debian packages from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T211: Load files and directories from a set of Debian packages from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T120: regular debian archive producer from Resolved to Migrated.
gitlab-migration changed the status of T119: snapshot.debian.org producer from Resolved to Migrated.
Nov 26 2019
Nov 26 2019
ardumont removed a parent task for T2098: Deploy package loaders: T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers.
ardumont removed a subtask for T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers: T2098: Deploy package loaders.
Nov 20 2019
Nov 20 2019
Nov 19 2019
Nov 19 2019
ardumont closed T2025: Re-implement debian loader with package loader mechanism, a subtask of T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers, as Resolved.
ardumont closed T2024: Re-implement deposit loader with package loader mechanism, a subtask of T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers, as Resolved.
ardumont closed T2023: Re-implement gnu loader with package loader, a subtask of T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers, as Resolved.
ardumont closed T2022: Re-implement npm loader with base loader, a subtask of T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers, as Resolved.
ardumont closed T2021: Re-implement pypi loader with package loader, a subtask of T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers, as Resolved.
Nov 14 2019
Nov 14 2019
Latest debian lister and debian loader deployed.
Oct 13 2019
Oct 13 2019
ardumont changed the status of T2025: Re-implement debian loader with package loader mechanism, a subtask of T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers, from Open to Work in Progress.
ardumont changed the status of T2025: Re-implement debian loader with package loader mechanism from Open to Work in Progress.
Oct 12 2019
Oct 12 2019
Current input of the debian loader (without the optimization) (outputed from the lister):
Oct 5 2019
Oct 5 2019
ardumont added a project to T2025: Re-implement debian loader with package loader mechanism: Origin-Debian.
ardumont added a project to T1389: Implement a base "package" loader for package managers: Origin-Debian.
Jun 6 2018
Jun 6 2018
done by @olasd as part of Debian regular ingestion
Feb 9 2017
Feb 9 2017
this is a duplicate of T120
May 13 2016
May 13 2016
Apr 27 2016
Apr 27 2016
Mar 10 2016
Mar 10 2016
zack removed a project from T211: Load files and directories from a set of Debian packages: Developers.
Mar 5 2016
Mar 5 2016
Feb 23 2016
Feb 23 2016
The initial import of the snapshot.debian.org data has been done in december.
Feb 22 2016
Feb 22 2016
Jan 2 2016
Jan 2 2016
The loader has been running over christmas break and is working.
olasd closed T213: Create synthetic releases for Debian packages, a subtask of T118: Create swh-loader-debian, as Resolved.
rDLDDEBe7108fed5a4a9ece62ad4e52d4fa9a8f95377844 creates the "Software Heritage has seen this package at date <foo> in snapshot.d.o" occurrence
olasd closed T214: Create occurrences for Debian packages, a subtask of T118: Create swh-loader-debian, as Resolved.
Dec 9 2015
Dec 9 2015
Done in rDLDDEBa05fc523fd.
olasd closed T212: Create synthetic revisions for Debian packages, a subtask of T118: Create swh-loader-debian, as Resolved.
Nov 23 2015
Nov 23 2015
The bulk import of Debian packages from snapshot.debian.org is robust since rDLDDEB9ce8e449eeb4.
olasd closed T211: Load files and directories from a set of Debian packages, a subtask of T118: Create swh-loader-debian, as Resolved.
This work started in the rDLDDEB repo.
Oct 28 2015
Oct 28 2015
We should likely do the snapshot.d.o import in several passes:
Oct 22 2015
Oct 22 2015
Sep 10 2015
Sep 10 2015