The incremental Bitbucket lister is currently stuck in production (see SWH-LISTER-5K) due to an error 500 returned by that Bitbucket Web API URL.
As we can see from the lister state in scheduler database, origins modified after 2022-04-22T17:14:21.817530+00:0 have not been listed.
softwareheritage-scheduler=> select name, current_state from listers where name = 'bitbucket'; name | current_state -----------+--------------------------------------------------------- bitbucket | {"last_repo_cdate": "2022-04-22T17:14:21.817530+00:00"} (1 row)
Bumping the after query parameter to 2022-04-23T00:00:00.00000+00:00 makes the Bitbucket Web API return results again so
a possible mitigation would be to increment the after date query parameter in the lister until there is no error 500 returned by the Bitbucket
Web API (a similar process is implemented in the gitlab lister for instance).