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Migrate hedgedoc stack to bullseye
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


This means migrating the following nodes:

  • the reverse proxy in charge of publicly exposing hedgedoc
  • the actual node serving hedgedoc


$ puppet agent --disable 'T3749'
$ sed -i -e 's/buster/bullseye/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
$ sed -i -e 's,bullseye/updates,bullseye-security,' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-security.list
$ apt update
$ apt upgrade -y
$ apt dist-upgrade -y
$ reboot
$ puppet agent --enable && puppet agent --test
# check everything still runs fine

Event Timeline

side-tracked by fighting with vagrant to actually check everything will go smoothly...

Tips: Use the following flag to avoid vm from being destroyed as soon as it's up if
something goes wrong with provisionning steps... [1] (thanks to @vsellier):

$ vagrant up admin-bardo --no-destroy-on-error

[1] P1221

ardumont renamed this task from Migrate bardo to bullseye to Migrate hedgedoc stack to bullseye.Nov 24 2021, 12:13 PM
ardumont updated the task description. (Show Details)
ardumont claimed this task.