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Extend metadata for portals depositing software through SWORD
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The referencePublication term in the codemeta vocabulary should be used to offer researchers depositing software the possibility to link to existing papers related to the software (in particular the most relevant article introducing/describing the software).

For HAL, this can be implemented using the same format as for the "relatedData" field

Event Timeline

moranegg triaged this task as Normal priority.May 22 2019, 5:02 PM

I have talked to Bruno about it for deposits on HAL.
It can't be implemented on HAL's form without an "high level" decision.
I think this will be the same for the actors roles.

The referencePublication property is available on the HAL preprod platform (waiting for deployment).
Also, IPOL is using the referencePublication property on the deposits to SWH.

I'm resolving this task.
Feel free to reopen, if you feel this doesn't answer the task description.

We might change the task title to specifically mention referencePublication.