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Vault 'Download' suboptimal UI/UX: no feedback that the bundle is being transferred
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


When one click on the Download button in the vault part of the web app, there is no feedback that the download request hes been 'accepted' nor the file transfer is on progress.

The user only gets some visible feedback once the file has been completely transferred via the 'Save as...' dialog the browser shows.

So for big files, one has the impression the download has failed somehow.

Event Timeline

douardda triaged this task as Normal priority.May 15 2019, 9:35 AM
douardda created this task.

Looks like everything works as expected from my side when using the webapp in production.

When I request the cooking of a directory, the vault interface starts by reporting the cooking process has been created

Then it reports the cooking is currently processing

When the cooking is finished, the download link is made available

For the directory cooking, there is no detailed progress in percent as the vault API can not report that information.

zack renamed this task from 'Download' behavior in vault is kind of broken to Vault 'Download' suboptimal UI/UX: no feedback that the bundle is being transferred.May 15 2019, 11:22 AM