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switch to unattended-upgrades for (non critical) package upgrades
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A way to mitigate the icinga apt notification spam, and also a way to reduce tedious sysadm work, is to let unattended-upgrades do its magic.
We just need to be careful on which packages are potentially dangerous for upgrades and that we do not want to be upgraded unattended — postgres comes to mind, but there might be others.

(IIRC upgrades that requires interaction, e.g., conffile changes, are blacklisted by default by unattended-upgrades, but this requires double-checking.)

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(IIRC upgrades that requires interaction, e.g., conffile changes, are blacklisted by default by unattended-upgrades, but this requires double-checking.)

I already currently do 99% of package upgrades unattended using clush on louvre

My command line is :

sudo clush -b -w @all env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" -y dist-upgrade

Which ignores all debconf prompts, and makes dpkg cleanly update the default configuration files while keeping modified configuration files untouched.

I checked and unattended-upgrades indeed blacklists packages whose upgrade would trigger conffile prompts, unless --force-confdef and/or --force-confold are used.

As a first pass, we should be able to whitelist the following package origins :

"o=Debian,n=${lsbdistcodename}",                                  # main Debian archive
"o=Debian,n=${lsbdistcodename}-updates",                          # stable-updates (ex-volatile)
"o=Debian,n=${lsbdistcodename},l=Debian-Security",                # security updates
"o=debian icinga-${lsbdistcodename},n=icinga-${lsbdistcodename}", # Icinga2 repository
"o=Proxmox,n=${lsbdistcodename}",                                 # Proxmox repository
"o=elastic",                                                      # Yes elasticsearch has both cases <_<
"o=Elastic",                                                      # ...

This would avoid autoupdates from :

  • the swh repository
  • the pgdg PostgreSQL repository
  • Debian backports

which are the sources of most package updates that would need a manual interaction afterwards...

We should probably pull the following nagios checks:

(yes, this will create some different nagios noise, but for stuff that probably really needs to be done by a human).

In T756#13698, @olasd wrote:

I checked and unattended-upgrades indeed blacklists packages whose upgrade would trigger conffile prompts, unless --force-confdef and/or --force-confold are used.

(Which we can do by setting Dpkg::Options to ["--force-confdef", "--force-confold"] in /etc/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades)

olasd changed the task status from Open to Work in Progress.Sep 12 2017, 6:15 PM
olasd claimed this task.

That's implemented now; it's been deployed on the workers, and should kick in during the next run of the apt periodic runner (i.e. during the night).

If that succeeds i'll deploy on the rest of the hosts.

Now deployed on all machines.