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Upgrade gitlab instance to v15
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Prior to reset the state and run the migration again, we'd like to check the migration
process with a gitlab instance with some more data than the previous migration.


  • Determine operator version: 0.6.3 [2]
  • Determine gitlab chart version: 5.9.3 (gitlab 14.9.3) [3]
  • noop: Upgrade to the latest available chart version: 5.9.3 (for 0.6.3)
  • Identify the desired Operator version: 0.8.0 [4]
  • T4320#86633: Backup gitlab to revert if problem [5]
  • T4320#86671: Upgrade gitlab operator [1] to 0.8.0
  • T4320#86671: Then upgrade gitlab chart version successively from 5.94 -> 6.0.0 [6]




$ kubectl -n gitlab-system logs deployment/gitlab-controller-manager -c manager | grep -i version | tail -1
2022-05-31T14:32:02.401Z        DEBUG   controllers.GitLab      version information     {"gitlab": "gitlab-system/gitlab", "upgrade": false, "current version": "5.9.3", "desired version": "5.9.3"}




Event Timeline

ardumont triaged this task as High priority.Jun 9 2022, 4:13 PM
ardumont created this task.
ardumont updated the task description. (Show Details)
ardumont changed the task status from Open to Work in Progress.Jun 10 2022, 10:06 AM
ardumont moved this task from Backlog to in-progress on the System administration board.

Backup done:

$ kubectl exec gitlab-toolbox-867b6c8f49-hx9rz -it -- backup-utility
Defaulted container "toolbox" out of: toolbox, certificates (init), configure (init)
2022-06-10 07:49:17 +0000 -- Dumping database ...
Dumping PostgreSQL database gitlabhq_production ... [DONE]
2022-06-10 07:49:31 +0000 -- done
2022-06-10 07:49:43 +0000 -- Dumping repositories ...
[DONE] Backup can be found at s3://gitlab-backups/1654847341_2022_06_10_14.9.3_gitlab_backup.tar

Accessible from [1] with access credentials [2]



  • Upgrade gitlab operator
kubectl apply -f \${VERSION}/gitlab-operator-kubernetes-${VERSION}.yaml

And make sure the new manager is happy

$ kubectl get pods  | grep manager
gitlab-controller-manager-788d4dbb78-46m86             2/2     Running       0          26s
gitlab-controller-manager-c4dcbbb96-pds8t              0/2     Terminating   3          21d
$ kubectl get pods | grep manager
gitlab-controller-manager-788d4dbb78-46m86             2/2     Running     0          2m55s
$ kubectl logs -f gitlab-controller-manager-788d4dbb78-46m86 manager | grep ConfigError
2022-06-10T12:17:58.056Z        DEBUG   events  Warning {"object": {"kind":"GitLab","namespace":"gitlab-system","name":"gitlab","uid":"da614c45-a261-49a6-99a6-3632900bfd81","apiVersion":"","resourceVersion":"34179434"}, "reason": "ConfigError", "message": "Configuration error detected: chart version 5.9.3 not supported; please use one of the following: 5.9.4, 6.0.0, 5.10.3"}
  • Then bump the chart to one of the compatible version (5.9.4) first.
  • After some fight with persistent volume, the got migration.
$ kubectl logs gitlab-controller-manager-788d4dbb78-46m86 manager | grep version | tail -1
2022-06-10T13:47:55.040Z        DEBUG   controllers.GitLab      version information     {"gitlab": "gitlab-system/gitlab", "upgrade": false, "current version": "5.9.4", "desired version": "5.9.4"}
$ kubectl get gitlabs -n gitlab-system
gitlab   Running   5.9.4
  • Then bump to 0.6.0
$ kubectl get gitlabs -n gitlab-system
gitlab   Running   6.0.0

Note: We had to struggle a bit with pods that fail to start. So the deployment gets
stuck, it's unstucking by destroying deployments and then apply again the custom gitlab
deployment file [1] again.


$ kubectl apply -f gitlab-staging.yaml

After killing the minio data store, we've decided (as we had planned anyway) to start again from a clean slate.

Removal of resources:

# delete gitlab instance
kubectl delete gitlab gitlab

# delete gitlab operator (! will delete cert-manager custom resource definitions too...)
kubectl delete -f "${VERSION}/gitlab-operator-kubernetes-${VERSION}.yaml"

# delete persistent volume connections
kubectl get pvc | grep 'gitlab'
kubectl get pvc | grep 'gitlab' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pvc

# delete persistent volumes if any remain, e.g. with ReclaimPolicy=Remain (and you want to delete them)
kubectl get pv
kubectl get pv | grep 'gitlab' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pv

# dump, review and delete autogenerated secrets
kubectl get -l -o yaml secrets > current-secrets.yaml
kubectl delete -l secrets --dry-run=client
kubectl delete -l secrets

# Uninstall cert-manager
kubectl delete -f


# Install cert-manager (at least the CRDs are needed for the GitLab Operator chart, even if other resources seem to be defined again)
kubectl apply -f

# Install gitlab operator again
kubectl apply -f "${VERSION}/gitlab-operator-kubernetes-${VERSION}.yaml"

# Check that it's running
kubectl get pods | grep controller | grep -i running

# Redefine the gitlab resource
kubectl apply -f gitlab-staging.yaml

# Wait forever for it to come up
watch -d kubectl get pods

You can then login by recovering the initial root password from the newly regenerated secret:

kubectl get secret -n gitlab-system gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password -ojsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode ; echo

To avoid a new unscheduled data disassembly, we've reset all the physicalvolumes to have spec.persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy=Retain:

$ kubectl edit pv

# do the replacement and save

persistentvolume/pvc-06a1379e-7bf6-446b-bbea-2b7a438837c9 edited
persistentvolume/pvc-42c5110b-9462-4367-87d1-925a5221d5df edited
persistentvolume/pvc-631a90af-d603-41ce-8874-21f78069a7bc edited
persistentvolume/pvc-7ed641c8-aef2-4a1a-8355-43d8e19ec8fe edited
persistentvolume/pvc-83e8d340-9a83-4ae7-90aa-e655eb8c5609 edited
ardumont claimed this task.
ardumont moved this task from deployed/landed/monitoring to done on the System administration board.