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production: Deploy swh.scheduler v0.17
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked

Event Timeline

ardumont created this task.

Following actions in order:

  • on scheduler node (saatchi), stop scheduler services (journal client, next-gen runners...) using the table migrated (origin_visit_stats)
  • on db node (belvedere):
    • running migration scripts 29 and 30 [1]
    • give guest access to new tables [2]
  • on scheduler node (saatchi):
    • upgrade packages version
    • restart scheduler services [3]
    • including the next-gen scheduler runner not yet puppetized [4]
  • grafana dashboard updated with "deployment" tag

[1] 30.sql may run a long time as it's altering and updating the overall data table

[2] 29.sql introduces one so grant select on all tables in schema public to guest;


systemctl stop swh-scheduler-journal-client
apt dist-upgrade -y
systemctl restart gunicorn-swh-scheduler \
  swh-scheduler-listener.service \
  swh-scheduler-runner.service \
  swh-scheduler-runner-priority.service \

[4] next-gen scheduler runner are running in root tmux sessions in saatchi and worker17
for their respective usage

including the next-gen scheduler runner not yet puppetized [4]

All got done except this part ^.
This needs first the following:

  • D5809 to be rebased on latest master branch (v0.17)
  • the saatchi venv (in swhscheduler home) to be updated with it
ardumont changed the task status from Open to Work in Progress.Aug 13 2021, 10:32 AM
ardumont edited projects, added System administration; removed Sprint 2021 01.
ardumont moved this task from Backlog to in-progress on the System administration board.

including the next-gen scheduler runner not yet puppetized [4]

All got done except this part ^.
This needs first the following:

  • D5809 to be rebased on latest master branch (v0.17)
  • the saatchi venv (in swhscheduler home) to be updated with it

D5089 commandeered, rebased, updated, pushed to saatchi in ~swhscheduler/swh-scheduler.
~swhscheduler/ve (venv updated).
Scheduler runner next-gen rescheduled for npm, pypi, and git.

The same goes for D5818 (with worker17, which schedules git, hg and svn origins).

Those 2 are running on tmux sessions under root users.

@olasd, @vsellier fyi

ardumont claimed this task.
ardumont moved this task from deployed/landed/monitoring to done on the System administration board.