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Fix the broken/missing tocs in all the modules
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


We need to review all the TOCs in the doc, because most of them are broken.

  • We should remove :orphan: blocks, pages should always be referenced in a TOC. When a page is marked as :orphan:, accessing it will not show its position in the navigation hierarchy.
  • We should remove "manual" TOCs using :ref:, as those don't count for the global TOC. All the TOCs should be put in a ".. toctree::" block, using :caption: if needed to present it properly in a separate section.
  • Each page should always have one title as the top-level header.

Here is the list of modules that need to be reviewed and the associated diffs:

  • swh.core (ardumont)
  • swh.dataset (seirl)
  • swh.deposit (ardumont)
  • swh.graph (seirl) -> D1956
  • swh.indexer (ardumont)
  • swh.journal
  • swh.lister (ardumont) -> D1966
  • swh.loader
  • swh.model (seirl) -> D1941
  • swh.objstorage
  • swh.scheduler
  • swh.vault
  • swh.web

Event Timeline

seirl triaged this task as Normal priority.Sep 4 2019, 3:04 PM
seirl created this task.

Head up,

I checked swh.deposit and it seems to be fine according to my understanding of the problem, so i'll cross that box in the description.
Currently fixing the swh.lister one now.

ardumont changed the task status from Open to Work in Progress.Sep 6 2019, 12:11 PM
ardumont updated the task description. (Show Details)

I checked swh.deposit and it seems to be fine according to my understanding of the problem, so i'll cross that box in the description.

Same goes for swh.indexer, see nothing strikingly wrong there, crossing box.

ardumont updated the task description. (Show Details)