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Specify dates schema when dealing with Legacy Software
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


When the deposit contains software that was written many years ago but is encapsulated in a container that was created today, dating the content is tricky.
Here an example of the artifacts we receive in a deposit:

- metadata in xml
- zipped archive
    - Scilab 1.1
       - README
       - AUTHORS
       - LICENCE
       - src
            [legacy content]

src directory contains content created in 1980 while the root directory contains data created in 2019.
The idea is the following,
for v1:

  • create 1 revision A only with srccontent dated to 1980 with the extracted metadata in dateCreated.
  • create 1 revision B with the complete deposit root with deposit_date extracted from SWORD protocol when deposit is received.
  • B points to A

for v2:

  • create 1 revision C for srcv2
  • create 1 revision D for complete deposit root
  • C points to A
  • D points to B
  • C points to D
   A (1980) -----------C (1981)
     /              /
B (2019)-----------D(2019)

We need also to consider creating a branch for the synthetic_history (A+ C)
And see how we specify exactly which content is legacy inside the deposit itself.

Event Timeline

moranegg triaged this task as High priority.Jul 8 2019, 5:03 PM
moranegg created this task.
moranegg updated the task description. (Show Details)

We need to review this task with the current workflows.

moranegg lowered the priority of this task from High to Low.Nov 3 2020, 12:15 PM

SWHAP is dealing with this by having a branch named source code.
I'm considering this task as resolved.