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lister: Update readme instructions to be able to run listers after a git clone
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Following the readme instructions, we cannot run lister. The readme should be updated to fix that.

  • Bootstrap db instructions are out-dated. Following them result in error
    . Fixed in D1281.
  • Run lister instruction are out-dated as well (since the last cli improvments). Fixed in D1287.

Event Timeline

nahimilega triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Mar 18 2019, 8:49 PM
nahimilega created this task.
nahimilega created this object in space S1 Public.
zack lowered the priority of this task from Unbreak Now! to Normal.Mar 18 2019, 8:54 PM

Please, next time, can you paste the text and quote it with triple backquote "`":

it's more readable than to have to click on the screenshot to see the error
plus it's nicer to the eyes like this paragraph (or so i think ;)


For your issue, the cli is saying you that there is no --lister option.
Indeed the last improvments introduced in the cli did not report the change in the doc.
That's an oversight on our part.

Nevertheless, you can try to check further the cli next (or the actual module's source if the cli is not clear enough which could happened):

$ python3 -m swh.lister.cli github --help
Usage: [OPTIONS] [github|gitlab|bitbucket|debian|pypi|npm|all]...

  Initialize db model according to lister.

  -d, --db-url TEXT  SQLAlchemy DB URL; see <
  -D, --drop-tables  Drop tables before creating the database schema
  --help             Show this message and exit.

There is no longer a --create-tables either so the real command in the end is plain:

$ createdb lister-github
$ python3 -m swh.lister.cli --db-url postgres:///lister-github github

could you seize that opportunity to report that fixes in the documentation (I see 4 entries that need fixing currently there)?

Ok, next time I will remember this to paste the text and quote it with triple backquote "`".
I would love to fix the documentation as it would be a good starting point in contributing to this project. I am familiar with the process of pull request on Github but new to this forge. Can you guide to on what should I do next?

Ok, next time I will remember this to paste the text and quote it with triple backquote "`".


I would love to fix the documentation as it would be a good starting point in contributing to this project. I am familiar with the process of pull request on Github but new to this forge.

good, it's not that different.

Can you guide to on what should I do next?

Everything you need to know is explained in the main page [1]
Please take some time to read that page.

The specific part in regards to contribution would be the link targeted on '3. Familiarize yourself with our code review workflow'.



The sample top levels for the different listers are also out of date(as discussed in IRC as well as mentioned by @ardumont in Hence I wish to update the names of those functions in the documentation of lister.

ardumont renamed this task from Not able bootstrap the db instance schema for listers through cli to lister: Update readme instructions to be able to run lister.Mar 24 2019, 11:15 AM
ardumont renamed this task from lister: Update readme instructions to be able to run lister to lister: Update readme instructions to be able to run listers after a git clone.
ardumont updated the task description. (Show Details)
ardumont updated the task description. (Show Details)

@nahimilega I'll let you close the task if you think there are nothing more to add.

ardumont claimed this task.