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Mercurial loader: release target is invalid
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


Each release generated by the mercurial loader point to an invalid revision target, see for instance

It seems that the original hg changeset id (read from .hgtags) is used as the revision identifier instead of a swh one.

Event Timeline

anlambert triaged this task as Normal priority.Jul 19 2018, 2:35 PM
anlambert created this task.


Thanks for spotting. We also need a separate task to correct the
revisions that were already loaded in the archive. Can you please file
it? (tag "archive content")

to correct the revisions...

releases, not revisions.

anlambert claimed this task.

I forgot to reference the task in commit rDLDHGdb2803207a2934da4665379c12224f9eb90e8995 fixing the issue.