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browsable JSON API
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


We would like to have a browsable JSON API for , in the style of

Revisions and Commits

Event Timeline

zack raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
zack updated the task description. (Show Details)
zack added a project: Web app.
ardumont raised the priority of this task from Normal to High.

Here is a rapid pros/cons on flask-api for the moment:


  • ease of use for default use cases -> Switch Flask's app with FlaskApi's app and on we go. This does not deal with edge cases though (see the following points)
  • default renderers are enough for our use case
  • extending renderers and parsers is simple (added YAMLRenderer example from doc rDWUI612c7a23df7c9aceec47a1bde82c9b0b1c01efc8)
  • default rendering policy is good! Just need to set decorators for deviant other use cases -> We've got mainly apis for the moment and less html endpoints... but this may change in the future... -> An issue is opened about automagically detect when html is needed but no implem just yet (


  • not blueprint compliant (we need to use the decorators provided by default) -> issue on github
  • exception handling not symmetrical with default use case (That is it does not obey the client's 'Accept' header for errors...) -> dev was needed and done here - rDWUIb5fba341d2fece0f1588a288c501878766b91a2b (effort were made to keep the flask errorhandler decorator which is nice)
  • our @jsonp decorator stopped working, some dev was needed to make it back online again -> rDWUI6063c7e1ee760c097f60e77d0b8ba08e0330ea5d (the result is quite pleasing since we removed more code than adding it though)
  • low maintenance at the moment (the main contributor stepped down and is focused on Django rest -> quoting the readme: 'Status: Flask API is not currently under active development. This will be reassessed once the Django REST framework Kickstarter project reaches completion.'
  • no deb for packaging flask-api just yet... (i installed using sudo pip3 install ...)

As of now, the main issue issue seems to be the blueprint compatibilty ( but I'm no expert on them right now.
So next step, understanding blueprint...

Beware, for deployment, we'll need to install first flask-api...

(no deb package yet)

olasd changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".May 13 2016, 5:06 PM