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Modify default timeouts

Authored by ardumont on Mar 30 2022, 11:35 AM.



Decrease overall timeouts from 20 to 10 minutes for most modules.

But for:

  • swh-web: Increase timeout to 25 min. Current 20 minutes is not enough [1]
  • swh-storage: Keep a slightly larger timeout of 15 min (lots of tests with multiple backend implementations) [3]

(1] Master build history [2] shows almost half of the last master build got aborted (5 out
of 11).



Test Plan


Diff Detail

rCJSWH Jenkins jobs
Automatic diff as part of commit; lint not applicable.
Automatic diff as part of commit; unit tests not applicable.

Event Timeline

ardumont created this revision.

I think 30 minutes is a lot of time to waste on an actual hang, but it's clear that this set of jobs is already on the edge.

Maybe just bump to 25 minutes first?

(I would also like us to reduce the default timeout for other modules; maybe keep storage at 20 minutes and move other modules back to 10 minutes?)

In D7470#195148, @olasd wrote:

I think 30 minutes is a lot of time to waste on an actual hang, but it's clear that this set of jobs is already on the edge.

Maybe just bump to 25 minutes first?

(I would also like us to reduce the default timeout for other modules; maybe keep storage at 20 minutes and move other modules back to 10 minutes?)


ardumont retitled this revision from swh-web build: Increase timeout to 30 min to Modify default timeouts.Mar 30 2022, 12:08 PM
ardumont edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
ardumont edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Adapt according to suggestion

Maybe just bump to 25 minutes first?
(I would also like us to reduce the default timeout for other modules; maybe keep storage at 20 minutes and move other modules back to 10 minutes?)


I've adapted according to discussion and kept 20min for storage.
(and d'oh i realized you were already saying keep storage at 20 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, cool).

Diff description and commit got amended to explain as much.

Checking the last duration column here I think we're good to go. Thank you!

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Mar 30 2022, 12:37 PM
anlambert added inline comments.

Successful tests run of swh-storage take around 10 minutes to execute so I think we can lower the timeout to 15 minutes when tests hang (due to kafka).


Lower storage to 15min as it looks enough.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.