It will help to diagnose the timeouts occuring during the jenkins builds
Related to T3778
- nginx:
- before:
nginx_1 | - - [07/Dec/2021:14:05:45 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 13867 "-" "curl/7.74.0"
- after:
nginx_1 | - - [07/Dec/2021:14:05:45 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 13867 "-" "curl/7.74.0" 0.032
- swh-storage:
- before:
swh-storage_1 | [2021-12-06 08:56:19 +0000] [87] [DEBUG] POST /directory/ls
- after:
swh-storage_1 | [07/Dec/2021:14:00:15 +0000] POST /directory/ls HTTP/1.1 200 48291 7
The format of the date changes but there is not way to configure it, except by creating a new log formatter