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Rubygems: Improve lister to make use of artifacts and rubygems_metadata

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Rubygems: Improve lister to make use of artifacts and rubygems_metadata
provided by the lister extra_loader_arguments

Use artifacts and rubygems_metadata to get list of versions, artifacts checksums and extrinsic metadata url
Add an EXTID manifest
Set metadata from extrinsic metadata


franckbretAuthored on Oct 27 2022, 6:50 PM
franckbretPushed on Nov 3 2022, 8:54 AM
Differential Revision
D8569: Add rubygems loader
T4581: RubyGems loader
Build Status
Buildable 32679
Build 51194: test-and-buildJenkins console · Jenkins

Commit No Longer Exists

This commit no longer exists in the repository.