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zimoun (zimoun)


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User Since
Oct 25 2019, 3:47 PM (248 w, 13 h)

Recent Activity

Oct 22 2022

zimoun added a comment to T4538: Consider archiving NAR hashes.

Oh awesome! Thanks for pushing forward. :-)

Oct 22 2022, 12:46 PM · SVN Loader, Tarball loader, Nixguix loader

Oct 14 2022

zimoun added a comment to P1473 nix recursive hash computation.
$ curl -LO
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100  2399    0  2399    0     0   5391      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  5391
Oct 14 2022, 6:47 PM
zimoun added a comment to T4538: Consider archiving NAR hashes.
import os, stat, hashlib, io
from pathlib import Path
Oct 14 2022, 10:23 AM · SVN Loader, Tarball loader, Nixguix loader
zimoun added a comment to T4538: Consider archiving NAR hashes.

This tree

$ tree foo
├── bar
│   └── exe
└── baz
Oct 14 2022, 10:23 AM · SVN Loader, Tarball loader, Nixguix loader

Oct 11 2022

zimoun added a comment to T4538: Consider archiving NAR hashes.

To be complete, the integrity checksum that Guix provides (here one example about the package guix-modules),

Oct 11 2022, 8:19 PM · SVN Loader, Tarball loader, Nixguix loader
zimoun added a comment to T4538: Consider archiving NAR hashes.

Related to P1473.

Oct 11 2022, 7:59 PM · SVN Loader, Tarball loader, Nixguix loader

Sep 23 2022

zimoun added a comment to T4538: Consider archiving NAR hashes.

Thanks for raising the questions.

Sep 23 2022, 8:05 PM · SVN Loader, Tarball loader, Nixguix loader
zimoun added a comment to T3781: Replace the Nixguix loader with a lister.
  • artifacts url which are mostly tarballs [1] and sometimes files [2]
  • dvcs repositories delegated to dedicated loader to ingestion: svn [3], hg [4], git [5] (out of guix manifest)
  • Other stuff can be ignored as we don't have anything relevant to ingest [6]
Sep 23 2022, 12:46 PM · Data Model, Nixguix loader

Jul 9 2020

zimoun added a comment to T2485: staging: Running nixguix on guix sources .

Note: status uneventful with a different snapshot is kinda unexpected for me. Not something drastically problematic though. I'll dig in at some point.

@ardumont: did you load the same sources.json? Because is refreshed every X hours and some stats of the commits after 2018-12-05 (v0.16.0) says mean at 21 and median at 13, both per day. And since loading requires ~1h15min, you need some luck to read the same son file twice.

Jul 9 2020, 11:10 AM · Archive coverage

Jun 23 2020

zimoun added a comment to T2430: lookup ingested tarballs (or similar source code containers) by container checksum.
  • if you still have that tarball at hand, then it can be ingested in SWH, and we keep the correspondence between SWHID and SHA256; in principle, you need to trust us, but one can foresee having external parties checking that the correspondence is real while the tarball is still there, and adding their observation to the chain of trust means you need to trust us less and less
Jun 23 2020, 6:12 PM · Data Model

Jun 17 2020

zimoun added a comment to T1352: ingest Guix (SD) packages.

Thank you for the notification. I have tried to answer by email but I could have failed. Anyway.

Jun 17 2020, 2:00 AM · Archive coverage

Mar 6 2020

zimoun added a comment to D2025: [wip] swh.lister.functionalPackages: add lister getting sources from a JSON file.

After some discussions with the SWH team, it is actually no longer the good way to fill the archive with our sources. Instead, I'm starting to write a loader which will be in charge of reading our sources.json and fill the archive. So, I'm closing this diff and will create a new diff with a loader in the next few days;)

Mar 6 2020, 10:14 AM · Lister

Mar 2 2020

zimoun added a comment to D2025: [wip] swh.lister.functionalPackages: add lister getting sources from a JSON file.

@lewo: Does the version of the format should be bumped to 2 with this string-to-array modification?

No, I don't think so since it is not used yet.

Mar 2 2020, 7:57 PM · Lister
zimoun added a comment to D2025: [wip] swh.lister.functionalPackages: add lister getting sources from a JSON file.

@lewo: Does the version of the format should be bumped to 2 with this string-to-array modification?

Mar 2 2020, 5:26 PM · Lister

Feb 18 2020

zimoun added a comment to D2025: [wip] swh.lister.functionalPackages: add lister getting sources from a JSON file.

While looking into this with @zimoun, we realized it would be nicer if url were an array of URLs (as is the case at rather than a single URL.

The reason is that in many cases, both Guix and Nixpkgs provide a list of URLs rather than a single URL, which is useful when one of them breaks.

Feb 18 2020, 10:01 PM · Lister

Oct 25 2019

zimoun added a comment to D2025: [wip] swh.lister.functionalPackages: add lister getting sources from a JSON file.

Since Ludo (@civodul) posted this WIP feature on guix-devel mailing list [1] I am trying to follow this thread and I would like to help.

Oct 25 2019, 4:15 PM · Lister