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Remove tables occurrence and occurrence_history
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


The occurrence and occurrence_history tables are a remnant of the pre-snapshot era of the archive.

Most uses of these tables are for backwards-compatibility only.

We should remove them.

Revisions and Commits

Event Timeline

olasd renamed this task from Remove table occurrence to Remove tables occurrence and occurrence_history.Oct 3 2018, 12:05 PM
olasd updated the task description. (Show Details)
olasd added a subscriber: zack.

There's some work in progress by @zack in branch feature/schema-revamp of rDSTO, I'll pick that up to drive it to completion.

(I'll bite the bullet and work around T1221 for now)

All the old visits have now been migrated to snapshots.

After a few days of rest:

softwareheritage=> begin;
softwareheritage=> drop table occurrence;
softwareheritage=> drop table occurrence_history;
softwareheritage=> commit;

The tables are still available on the replicas on somerset and azure, until I have the green light that they can be dropped.