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backup: postgres DB
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current best option for this seems to be daily pg_dump sent over to the Antelink-INRIA machine

(task moved from trello)

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zack raised the priority of this task from to High.
zack updated the task description. (Show Details)
zack added a project: System administrators.
zack moved this task to Backlog on the System administrators board.
zack added a project: Staff.

we now have this space available:

zacchiro@sesi-pv-lc2:~$ df -h /antelink/store0/
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc         19T   33M   19T   1% /antelink/store0

waiting for DSI to open firewall parts to connect to it from SWH machines

daily pg_dump over the net is now setup on prado for the databases gitimport and, see prado:/usr/local/bin/swh-postgres-backup-sesi and /srv/softwareheritage/postgres/backup.conf

Note that we already have "local" (= on the NAS) backup for the database lister-github implemented by /usr/local/bin/swh-postgres-backup-nas. We need to decide which one we keep (probably -sesi).

Dumping ~8 GB to sesi took ~20 minutes, but was bound by pg_dump actually producing the dump, rather than by the network.

Overall, this is what the current cron of postgres@prado looks like:

postgres@prado:/srv/softwareheritage/postgres$ crontab -l
# m h  dom mon dow   command
  3 3  *   *   *     /usr/local/bin/swh-postgres-backup-nas
 33 3  *   *   *     /usr/local/bin/swh-postgres-backup-sesi /srv/softwareheritage/postgres/backup.conf
zack lowered the priority of this task from High to Normal.Sep 30 2015, 6:25 PM

update, backup conf is now:

  • DUMP_DBS="softwareheritage softwareheritage-log lister-github" -> to sesi
  • 3 3 * * * /usr/local/bin/swh-postgres-backup-sesi /srv/softwareheritage/postgres/backup.conf
  • old DB backup to NAS (which spanned lister-github only) disabled

we might want to reduce backup frequency to weekly, but let's see how does it do now

olasd changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".May 13 2016, 5:04 PM