Event Timeline
We have created the following (external) email aliases:
- add-forge-now@softwareheritage.org -> add-forge-now@archive.softwareheritage.org
- add-forge-now-staging@softwareheritage.org -> add-forge-now@webapp.staging.swh.network
We have configured pergamon for inbound email for both archive.softwareheritage.org (forwarded to moma) and webapp.staging.swh.network (forwarded to webapp.internal.staging.swh.network).
We have configured moma and webapp.internal.staging to run a django management command (process-inbound-email) when an email is received on any address of *@archive.softwareheritage.org (resp. *@webapp.internal.staging.swh.network).
We now need to write said management command to actually record the emails related to the relevant process.
We've deployed and tested these changes in staging and production: inbound emails to both addresses now reach the django management command, which does not exist (so the mails get bounced with an error message to that effect).