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Create "howto" / tutorials in the developer documentation
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  • how to create a lister


  • how to create a loader (package + vcs)
  • how to enable optional docker-compose (search, keycloak, replayer)

Event Timeline

vlorentz triaged this task as Normal priority.Mar 18 2021, 11:33 AM
vlorentz created this task.

FYI there is a lister tutorial already in the docs updated with D5069

You can find it here:

  1. Tutorial: list the content of your favorite forge in just a few steps
  2. Tutorial: run a lister within docker-dev in just a few steps

The direct links can be added to the main devel docs page.

vlorentz renamed this task from Create "howto" / tutorials in the developer documentation from the blog to Create "howto" / tutorials in the developer documentation.Mar 18 2021, 11:59 AM