User stories
Existing user stories:
- Deposit software
- Generic deposit:
- text (on SWH)
- video
- with HAL
- text (on HAL)
- video
- with InvenioRDM (Institutional repositories)
- with IPOL (publishers)
- with swMath (registries)
- with OpenAire (aggregators)
- Generic deposit:
- Save code now (research software)
- text
- video
In roadmap user stories:
- Retrieve metadata for citation
- text
- video
- Search SWH archive (url and metadata)
- text
- video
- View software artifact and metadata
- text
- video
- Fetch software artifact and metadata (API)
- text
- video
- Create codemeta.json with CodeMeta generator (after publishing tool on GitHub)
- text
- video
Wish-list user stories:
- Retrieve BibTex for an artifact (WebApp and API) [is it really possible?]
- Retrieve codemeta.json export for a revision or origin [is it really possible?]
- Fetch software from SWH archive into EaaSi emulator - compile - execute - use
- FAIR for software with SWH archive