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lint docstrings with pydocstyle
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


Starting with the 4.0 release of pydocstyle, the tool supports the Google/Napoleon docstring convention that we use for Software Heritage development (the pydocstyle documentation isn't yet fully consistent in saying it does, but yes, it really does !).

To use it:

$ pip3 install pydocstyle
$ pydocstyle --convention=google

We should lint all our docstrings with pydocstyle (and yes, reaching 0 warnings/errors it's gonna take a while…).

Event Timeline

zack triaged this task as Normal priority.Jul 9 2019, 5:32 PM
zack created this task.
zack updated the task description. (Show Details)

(and yes, reaching 0 warnings/errors it's gonna take a while…)

just naively tried to use it as a pre-commit hook...