If anyone wants to add it to their browser, this way please: https://mycroftproject.com/search-engines.html?name=Software+Heritage+archive
Changes can be submitted via: https://mycroftproject.com/submitos.html > copy "95026" into the text field on top > Load.
How about adding it to the site? Something like:
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Software Heritage archive of public source code" href=" https://mycroftproject.com/installos.php/95026/swh.xml ">
into swh-web/browse/master/swh/web/templates/layout.html,I guess.
If you find that useful, please let me know how the Phabricator equivalent to Pull/Merge Requests works. Do I need to use git to generate a patch file and send that via email? I searched for contribution documentation on https://docs.softwareheritage.org/devel/ but found only advice to build the codes myself.