Event Timeline
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softwareheritage-deposit=> select distinct external_id, client_id, collection_id from deposit_request, deposit where deposit_request.deposit_id=deposit.id and raw_metadata is null and metadata is not null; external_id | client_id | collection_id --------------+-----------+--------------- hal-01831369 | 2 | 1 hal-01715124 | 2 | 1 hal-01243573 | 2 | 1 hal-01718131 | 2 | 1 hal-01836189 | 2 | 1 hal-01588927 | 2 | 1 hal-01767263 | 2 | 1 hal-01717498 | 2 | 1 hal-01243618 | 2 | 1 hal-01592430 | 2 | 1 hal-01588781 | 2 | 1 hal-01588942 | 2 | 1 hal-01243617 | 2 | 1 hal-01836169 | 2 | 1 hal-01836266 | 2 | 1 external-id | 3 | 2 hal-01760120 | 2 | 1 hal-01588935 | 2 | 1 hal-01588928 | 2 | 1 hal-01831364 | 2 | 1 hal-01588780 | 2 | 1 hal-01243065 | 2 | 1 hal-01588782 | 2 | 1 hal-01727745 | 2 | 1 hal-01837101 | 2 | 1 je-suis-gpl | 3 | 2 hal-01715545 | 2 | 1 external-id | 2 | 1 hal-01821474 | 2 | 1