Since the release of django-stubs v1.11.0 and djangorestframework-stubs v1.6.0,
the following mypy errors were raised:
[2022-05-31T14:11:53.618Z] mypy run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='808326189' [2022-05-31T14:11:53.618Z] mypy run-test: commands[0] | mypy swh [2022-05-31T14:12:05.715Z] swh/web/common/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[Any, str, List[object]]", target has type "Union[str, bytes]") [2022-05-31T14:12:05.716Z] swh/web/common/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[Any, str, List[object]]", target has type "Union[str, bytes]") [2022-05-31T14:12:05.716Z] swh/web/common/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[str, List[object]]", target has type "Union[str, bytes]") [2022-05-31T14:12:05.716Z] swh/web/common/ error: Item "List[object]" of "Union[str, List[object]]" has no attribute "endswith" [2022-05-31T14:12:05.716Z] swh/web/common/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[str, List[object]]", target has type "Union[str, bytes]") [2022-05-31T14:12:05.716Z] swh/web/common/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[str, List[object]]", target has type "Union[str, bytes]") [2022-05-31T14:12:06.627Z] swh/web/tests/ error: Argument "response" to "_assert_http_response" has incompatible type "_MonkeyPatchedWSGIResponse"; expected "HttpResponse" [2022-05-31T14:12:06.627Z] swh/web/tests/ error: Argument "response" to "_assert_http_response" has incompatible type "_MonkeyPatchedWSGIResponse"; expected "HttpResponse" [2022-05-31T14:12:06.627Z] swh/web/tests/ error: Unused "type: ignore" comment [2022-05-31T14:12:06.877Z] Found 9 errors in 4 files (checked 217 source files)