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debian: Fix loading when md5sum is missing in dsc file

Authored by anlambert on Apr 21 2022, 5:39 PM.



Some archive integrity checks were failing after downloads as computed
md5sums was compared against empty ones.

Consequently some versions stored as branches were discarded from the
produced snapshot of a debian package.


Diff Detail

rDLDBASE Generic VCS/Package Loader
Automatic diff as part of commit; lint not applicable.
Automatic diff as part of commit; unit tests not applicable.

Event Timeline

Build is green

Patch application report for D7627 (id=27619)

Rebasing onto 7fe2d97bca...

First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: debian: Fix loading when md5sum is missing in dsc file
Changes applied before test
commit aa94af5db3270c9eec85faa2529e7e07f7db9c8a
Author: Antoine Lambert <>
Date:   Thu Apr 21 17:33:21 2022 +0200

    debian: Fix loading when md5sum is missing in dsc file
    Some archive integrity checks were failing after downloads as computed
    md5sums was compared against empty ones.
    Consequently some versions stored as branches were discarded from the
    produced snapshot of a debian package.

See for more details.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 21 2022, 7:51 PM

Build is green

Patch application report for D7627 (id=27634)

Rebasing onto 7fe2d97bca...

Current branch diff-target is up to date.
Changes applied before test
commit c4c0a9b5aaa99c4f56737e7fda12906140a0bf37
Author: Antoine Lambert <>
Date:   Thu Apr 21 17:33:21 2022 +0200

    debian: Fix loading when md5sum is missing in dsc file
    Some archive integrity checks were failing after downloads as computed
    md5sums was compared against empty ones.
    Consequently some versions stored as branches were discarded from the
    produced snapshot of a debian package.

See for more details.