HomeSoftware Heritage

cli: Add auth command group


cli: Add auth command group

Usage: swh auth [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Authenticate Software Heritage users with OpenID Connect.

This CLI tool eases the retrieval of bearer tokens to authenticate a user
querying the Software Heritage Web API.


--oidc-server-url TEXT  URL of OpenID Connect server (default to
--realm-name TEXT       Name of the OpenID Connect authentication realm
                        (default to "SoftwareHeritage")
--client-id TEXT        OpenID Connect client identifier in the realm
                        (default to "swh-web")
-h, --help              Show this message and exit.


login    Login and create new offline OpenID Connect session.
logout   Logout from an offline OpenID Connect session.
refresh  Refresh an offline OpenID Connect session.

Closes T2268