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migrate_extrinsic_metadata: guess Debian origins.

This commit no longer exists in the repository. It may have been part of a branch which was deleted.


migrate_extrinsic_metadata: guess Debian origins.

This works by guessing the package name from the original_artifact data,
then building origins that would match the package name, then filtering
out origins by checking if the revision can be reached from them.


vlorentzAuthored on Sep 10 2020, 2:23 PM
vlorentzPushed on Sep 16 2020, 5:02 PM
Differential Revision
D3905: migrate_extrinsic_metadata: guess Debian origins.
Build Status
Buildable 15187
Build 23419: test-and-buildJenkins console · Jenkins

Commit No Longer Exists

This commit no longer exists in the repository.