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celery: auto add tasks declared in the swh.workers entry point in task_modules

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celery: auto add tasks declared in the swh.workers entry point in task_modules

allows to declare worker tasks in a 'swh.workers' entry point. This later is
expected to be a callable which returns a dict which 'task_modules' key is
a list of python module names where celery tasks are defined.


douarddaAuthored on May 13 2019, 1:57 PM
douarddaPushed on Sep 2 2019, 1:40 PM
Differential Revision
D1503: celery: auto add tasks declared in the swh.workers entry point in task_modules
Build Status
Buildable 7582
Build 10853: test-and-buildJenkins

Commit No Longer Exists

This commit no longer exists in the repository.