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Added RevisionMetadataIndexer with a detection tool for metadata

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Added RevisionMetadataIndexer with a detection tool for metadata

  • RevisionMetadataIndexer takes a list of revisions and detects

in the root directory all the file names supported by the
swh-metadata-detector version 0.0.1 that can contain metadata

  • checks if files where translated before in the content_metadata


  • if not: sends the files to indexation
  • aggregates results

Note: should keep results in revision_metadata but this part
is not ready in the storage

  • also, changed init of ContentMetadataIndexer with tool in args


moraneggAuthored on Jul 25 2017, 12:37 PM
moraneggPushed on Jul 28 2017, 12:45 PM
Differential Revision
D233: Added level of abstraction in indexers to use BaseIndexer for revisions

Commit No Longer Exists

This commit no longer exists in the repository.