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Feb 23 2016
Feb 23 2016
ardumont renamed T319: S3 content files downloader and injection in swh from S3 content files downloader code to S3 content files downloader and injection in swh.
ardumont removed a parent task for T317: Inject sesi files hashes in antelink db: T319: S3 content files downloader and injection in swh.
ardumont renamed T319: S3 content files downloader and injection in swh from S3 content files downloader to S3 content files downloader code.
ardumont added a parent task for T316: List and compute hashes of actual sesi files: T317: Inject sesi files hashes in antelink db.
ardumont added a parent task for T317: Inject sesi files hashes in antelink db: T319: S3 content files downloader and injection in swh.
Feb 22 2016
Feb 22 2016
zack updated the image for Antelink loader from F161: fa-folder-charcoal.png to Unknown Object (File).
Feb 9 2016
Feb 9 2016
ardumont renamed T308: retrieve content from s3 and store it in SWH storage from swh-loader-antelink bootstrap - Retrieve content from s3 and store inside swh-storage to Retrieve content from s3 and store inside swh-storage.
ardumont updated the task description for T309: Delete duplicated antelink/antepedia content from s3.
ardumont updated the task description for T308: retrieve content from s3 and store it in SWH storage.
ardumont added a project to T308: retrieve content from s3 and store it in SWH storage: Storage manager.
ardumont added a project to T309: Delete duplicated antelink/antepedia content from s3: Storage manager.
ardumont added projects to T309: Delete duplicated antelink/antepedia content from s3: Antelink loader, Developers.
ardumont added projects to T308: retrieve content from s3 and store it in SWH storage: Antelink loader, Developers.