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Cannot ssh to the Unibo test VM after reboot
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Good afternoon!

I tried to reboot the Unibo Test VM after a kernel upgrade, but now I can't ping it or ssh to it, either from the outside or from the other VM (production). Do you know if there is a way for us to access to a management console/RDP/IPMI-like service to be able to understand why the VM won't reboot?


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seirl updated the task description. (Show Details)


Sorry for the late reply, I missed the notification.

I've checked the VM, it was stuck at the last stage of shutdown process. Probably the reboot command didn't work as expected. I restarted it and now should be ok.
I think that there's something in recent updates that could be responsible for this behaviour, it's happened a few times in the past weeks.

Sadly we have no means to delegate the access to the underlying infrastructure in order to manage problem like this one.