- drop xmltodict dependency in favor of ElementTree implementation
- deposit: separate deposit types
- Add warning to various deposit clis when provenance metadata is not provided by clients
- Tag loader.core (vlorentz did)
- Fix loader.core debian build [1]
- deploy loader.core v2.5.2 (upgrade package, then restart swh-worker@loader_deposit)
- Upgrade debian package definition (debian/control) and drop python3-xmltodict dep
- Tag the deposit
- Fix deposit debian build [2]
- Upgrade python3-swh.deposit* package in server (and python3-swh.model)
- Migrate the db to the latest schema (deposit will be typed either 'code' or 'meta')
- Restart gunicorn-swh-deposit service
- pergamon (icinga): Upgrade python3-swh.deposit* dependency for icinga-plugins to do its job ok