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Ease integration of fundraising campaigns
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


We want to be able to easily integrate forms in the main archive website for future fundraising campaigns.

We need to have a generic system to quickly add a page in the main website for each campaign.

We need to investigate which payment provider we will be using (Stripe being the obvious choice as we already use it for standard donations)
and if custom WordPress development will be required.

Event Timeline

anlambert triaged this task as Normal priority.Mar 1 2021, 3:53 PM
anlambert created this task.
anlambert added a subscriber: marla.dasilva.

I am currently reviewing the Give WordPress plugin and I think the features it offers is exactly what we want:

  • creation of donation and fundraising campaign forms in a couple of clicks
  • integration with Stripe

The plugin has a free and pro version.

The free version comes without premium add-ons and add an extra 2% commission fees on Stripe payment.

The pro version is billed every year:

  • 270$ for all premium add-ons
  • 79$ for the Stripe premium add-on only

It could also be used to reimplement in a better and nicer way the current donation forms we currently have.

I have implemented some test donation forms using the Give plugin on our testbed:

I prefer the legacy template, more lightweight and more compact than the other.

The forms are in test mode and the following fake credit card number can be used to test the donation flow: 4242 4242 4242 4242, any expiration date and CVC code can be used.

I think we should use that plugin both for the donate page and the fundraising campaigns as it
is easy to use and configure, highly customizable and well maintained.

A fundraising campaign can now be easily created and configured from the WP admin dashboard, closing this.