Hi everyone,
I would like to submit the following error that I obtain when I try to save an image of an SVN repository.
Short history:
- I add a saving request at https://archive.softwareheritage.org/save/ on 28/12/2020, 20:03:43.
- The repository is located at https://profs.scienze.univr.it/posenato/svn/sw/CSTNU. It is managed by an SVN 1.10.2 server.
- The request was approved, but the first dump status was:
Loading failure, updating to `partial` status Exception: An error occurred when running svnrdump and no exploitable dump file has been generated.
- To test my system, I made a manual svnrdump in an external machine and I verified that svnrdump works successfully:
/tmp$ svnrdump dump https://profs.scienze.univr.it/posenato/svn/sw/CSTNU > dump * Dumped revision 0. ... * Dumped revision 522.
- I tried to make a 'Save again' on 08/01/2021, 11:05:47, but the result was the same.
I would ask you if it is possible to have more details about the error to fix it (if it depends on the settings of our servers).
Roberto Posenato