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Add metadata update scenario on user-manual
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


No reference to it exist.

Event Timeline

ardumont renamed this task from Update documentation about the metadata update to Update metadata update scenario on user-manual.Jan 5 2021, 3:58 PM
ardumont changed the task status from Open to Work in Progress.
ardumont triaged this task as Normal priority.
ardumont created this task.
ardumont moved this task from Backlog to In progress on the SWORD deposit board.

And naturally, i encounter issue along the way... [1]

[1] T2929

ardumont renamed this task from Update metadata update scenario on user-manual to Add metadata update scenario on user-manual.Jan 6 2021, 11:17 AM
ardumont updated the task description. (Show Details)
ardumont moved this task from In progress to In code review on the SWORD deposit board.
ardumont claimed this task.