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Increase storage space on uffizi
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked

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olasd claimed this task.
olasd raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
olasd updated the task description. (Show Details)
olasd added a project: System administrators.
olasd added a subscriber: olasd.
louvre# for i in `seq 0 9` a b c d e f; do lvextend -L +5T vg-data/$i; done

# Need to shutdown and restart the VM to account for size change
louvre# virsh shutdown uffizi
louvre# virsh start uffizi

# resize all the partitions with LABEL=data_*
uffizi# blkid | awk -F: '/data_/ { print $1 }' | while read part; do xfs_growfs $part; done
olasd changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".May 13 2016, 5:08 PM