Page MenuHomeSoftware Heritage

Reorganise and update
Closed, MigratedEdits Locked


At the top put a Section Terms of Use, and add the items

  • terms of use for API (already there, but move under /legal in the page hierarchy)
  • terms of use for bulk data access

Create a Section Ethical Charters, and add the two items (documents attached)

  • ethical charter for mirrors
  • ethical charter for users of bulk data access

The pages corresponding to these terms of use and ethical charter should be
under /legal in the WP page hierarchy

Event Timeline

anlambert triaged this task as Normal priority.Jun 18 2018, 1:43 PM
anlambert created this task.
rdicosmo raised the priority of this task from Normal to High.Jun 25 2018, 9:55 PM
anlambert changed the task status from Open to Work in Progress.Jun 27 2018, 11:01 AM

The legal info reorganization is now live. Below are the urls for each online document:

Legal page ( has also been updated and a link to it has been added into the main header menu in the About section.