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Other load-git migration tryouts (to keep a reference on):
select json_build_object('args', '[]', 'kwargs', json_build_object('url', arguments#>>'{args,0}')) from task where type = 'load-git' and status != 'disabled' and policy ='recurring' limit 10; -- tryout 1: no update task set arguments = json_build_object('args', '[]', 'kwargs', json_build_object('url', arguments#>>'{args,0}')) where type = 'load-git' and status != 'disabled' and policy ='recurring'; -- tryout 2: no for i in $(seq 0 100000 241824959); do cat <<EOF update task set arguments = json_build_object('args', '[]', 'kwargs', json_build_object('url', arguments#>>'{args,0}')) where type = 'load-git' and status != 'disabled' and policy = 'recurring' and $i <= id and id < $((i + 100000)); EOF done > migrate-load-git.sql -- tryout 3: neither create table git_task as select id, type, json_build_object('args', '[]', 'kwargs', json_build_object('url', arguments#>>'{args,0}')), next_run, current_interval, status, policy, retries_left, priority from task where type = 'load-git' and status != 'disabled'; -- stop because slow