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Paste P161

vault schema

Authored by seirl on May 16 2017, 3:54 PM.
create table dbversion
version int primary key,
release timestamptz not null,
description text not null
comment on table dbversion is 'Schema update tracking';
insert into dbversion (version, release, description)
values (1, now(), 'Initial version');
create domain obj_hash as bytea;
create type cook_status as enum ('new', 'pending', 'done');
comment on type cook_status is 'Status of the cooking';
create table cook_requests (
id bigserial primary key,
type text not null, -- requested cooking type
object_id obj_hash not null, -- requested object ID
task_uuid varchar(128) not null, -- celery UUID of the cooking task
status cook_status not null -- status of the cooking task
create table cook_notifications (
id bigserial primary key,
email text not null, -- e-mail to notify
request_id bigint not null references cook_requests(id)