File "/src/swh-loader-git/swh/loader/git/", line 110, in dulwich_tree_to_directory
File "/src/swh-loader-git/swh/loader/git/", line 46, in check_id
f"Expected {type(obj).__name__} hash to be {}, "
swh.loader.git.converters.HashMismatch: Expected Directory hash to be 5475d108765c5591003210e70fc01bf2a77fca55, got 59d6219647cd84a027780487f0e021e4f57e93d6
{'status': 'failed'}
Command being timed: "swh-doco exec swh-loader swh loader run git"
User time (seconds): 0.74
System time (seconds): 0.59
Percent of CPU this job got: 0%
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 5:38.99