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diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Main script to run high level tests on the Software Heritage stack
+# Use a temporary directory as working directory
+# Create it if it does not exist
+mkdir $WORKDIR 2>/dev/null
+# Ensure it is empty before running the tests
+rm -rf $WORKDIR/*
+# We want the script to exit at the first encountered error
+set -e
+# Get test scripts directory
+TEST_SCRIPTS_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") && pwd)
+# Set the docker-compose.yml file to use
+export COMPOSE_FILE=$TEST_SCRIPTS_DIR/../docker-compose.yml
+# Useful global variables
+# Colored output related variables and functions
+function colored_output {
+ local msg="$2"
+ if [ "$CURRENT_TEST_SCRIPT" != "" ]; then
+ msg="[$CURRENT_TEST_SCRIPT] $msg"
+ fi
+ echo -e "${1}${msg}${NC}"
+function status_message {
+ colored_output ${GREEN} "$1"
+function error_message {
+ colored_output ${RED} "$1"
+# Exit handler that will get called when this script terminates
+function finish {
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ "$CURRENT_TEST_SCRIPT" != "" ]; then
+ error_message "An error occurred when running test script ${SCRIPT_NAME}"
+ error_message "Dumping logs for all services"
+ docker-compose logs
+ fi
+ docker-compose down
+ rm -rf $WORKDIR
+trap finish EXIT
+# Docker-compose events listener that will be executed in background
+# Parameters:
+# $1: PID of parent process
+function listen_docker_events {
+ docker-compose events | while read event
+ do
+ service=$(echo $event | cut -d " " -f7 | sed 's/^name=swh-docker-dev_\(.*\)_1)/\1/')
+ event_type=$(echo $event | cut -d ' ' -f4)
+ # "docker-compose down" has been called, exiting this child process
+ if [ "$event_type" = "kill" ] ; then
+ exit
+ # a swh service crashed, sending signal to parent process to exit with error
+ elif [ "$event_type" = "die" ] ; then
+ if [[ "$service" =~ ^swh.* ]]; then
+ error_message "Service $service died unexpectedly, exiting"
+ kill -s SIGUSR1 $1; exit
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+trap "exit 1" SIGUSR1
+# Function to wait for a specific string to be outputted in a specific
+# docker-compose service logs.
+# When called multiple times on the same service, only the newly outputted
+# logs since the last call will be processed.
+# Parameters:
+# $1: a timeout value to stop waiting and exit with error (e.g. 120s, 10m, ...)
+# $2: docker-compose service name
+# $3: the string to look for in the produced logs
+function wait_for_service_output {
+ local nb_lines_to_skip=0
+ if [[ -v "SERVICE_LOGS_NB_LINES_READ[$2]" ]]; then
+ nb_lines_to_skip=${SERVICE_LOGS_NB_LINES_READ[$2]}
+ let nb_lines_to_skip+=1
+ fi
+ timeout $1 bash -c -- "until docker-compose logs $2 | tail -n +$nb_lines_to_skip | grep -m 1 \"$3\" >/dev/null ; do sleep 1 ; done"
+ SERVICE_LOGS_NB_LINES_READ[$2]=$(docker-compose logs $2 | wc -l)
+# Function to make an HTTP request and gets its response.
+# It should be used the following way:
+# response=$(http_request <method> <url>)
+# Parameters:
+# $1: http method name (GET, POST, ...)
+# $2: request url
+function http_request {
+ local response=$(curl -sS -X $1 $2)
+ echo $response
+# Function to check that an HTTP request ends up with no errors.
+# If the HTTP response code is different from 200, an error will
+# be raised and the main script will terminate
+# Parameters:
+# $1: http method name (GET, POST, ...)
+# $2: request url
+function http_request_check {
+ curl -sSf -X $1 $2 > /dev/null
+# Function to run the content of a script dedicated to test a specific
+# part of the Software Heritage stack.
+function run_test_script {
+ local SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $1)
+ status_message "Executing test script $SCRIPT_NAME"
+ source $1
+# Move to work directory
+# Start the docker-compose event handler as a background process
+status_message "Starting docker-compose events listener"
+listen_docker_events $$ &
+# Start the docker-compose environment including the full Software Heritage stack
+status_message "Starting swh docker-compose environment"
+docker-compose up -d
+# Execute test scripts
+for test_script in $TEST_SCRIPTS_DIR/test_*; do
+ run_test_script ${test_script}
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+shopt -s nullglob extglob
+status_message "Scheduling the loading of the git repository located at ${TEST_GIT_REPO_URL}"
+docker-compose exec swh-scheduler-api swh-scheduler task add origin-update-git repo_url=$TEST_GIT_REPO_URL
+status_message "Waiting for the git loading task to complete"
+wait_for_service_output 5m swh-loader "swh.loader.git.tasks.UpdateGitRepository.*succeeded"
+status_message "The loading task has been successfully executed"
+status_message "Getting all git objects contained in the repository"
+git clone $TEST_GIT_REPO_URL
+cd "$(git rev-parse --git-path objects)"
+for p in pack/pack-*([0-9a-f]).idx ; do
+ git show-index < $p | cut -f 2 -d ' ' > $WORKDIR/git_objects
+for o in [0-9a-f][0-9a-f]/*([0-9a-f]) ; do
+ echo ${o/\/} >> $WORKDIR/git_objects
+declare -ga CONTENTS
+declare -ga DIRECTORIES
+declare -ga REVISIONS
+declare -ga RELEASES
+while IFS='' read -r object || [[ -n "$object" ]]; do
+ object_type=$(git cat-file -t $object)
+ if [ "$object_type" = "blob" ]; then
+ CONTENTS+=($object)
+ elif [ "$object_type" = "tree" ]; then
+ DIRECTORIES+=($object)
+ elif [ "$object_type" = "commit" ]; then
+ REVISIONS+=($object)
+ elif [ "$object_type" = "tag" ]; then
+ RELEASES+=($object)
+ fi
+done < $WORKDIR/git_objects
+status_message "Checking all git objects have been successfully loaded into the archive"
+status_message "Checking contents"
+for content in "${CONTENTS[@]}"; do
+ http_request_check GET ${SWH_WEB_API_BASEURL}/content/sha1_git:$content/
+status_message "All contents have been successfully loaded into the archive"
+status_message "Checking directories"
+for directory in "${DIRECTORIES[@]}"; do
+ http_request_check GET ${SWH_WEB_API_BASEURL}/directory/$directory/
+status_message "All directories have been successfully loaded into the archive"
+status_message "Checking revisions"
+for revision in "${REVISIONS[@]}"; do
+ http_request_check GET ${SWH_WEB_API_BASEURL}/revision/$revision/
+status_message "All revisions have been successfully loaded into the archive"
+status_message "Checking releases"
+for release in "${RELEASES[@]}"; do
+ http_request_check GET ${SWH_WEB_API_BASEURL}/release/$release/
+status_message "All releases have been successfully loaded into the archive"
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+revision=${REVISIONS[$RANDOM % ${#REVISIONS[@]}]}
+status_message "Requesting the vault to cook a random directory stored into the archive"
+http_request_check POST ${SWH_WEB_API_BASEURL}/vault/directory/$directory/
+status_message "Waiting for the directory cooking task to complete"
+wait_for_service_output 5m swh-vault-worker "swh.vault.cooking_tasks.SWHCookingTask.*succeeded"
+status_message "The directory cooking task has been sucessfully executed"
+status_message "Checking that the cooked directory tarball can be downloaded"
+http_request_check GET ${SWH_WEB_API_BASEURL}/vault/directory/$directory/raw/
+status_message "The cooked directory tarball is available for download"
+status_message "Requesting the vault to cook a random revision stored into the archive"
+http_request_check POST ${SWH_WEB_API_BASEURL}/vault/revision/$revision/gitfast/
+status_message "Waiting for the revision cooking task to complete"
+wait_for_service_output 5m swh-vault-worker "swh.vault.cooking_tasks.SWHCookingTask.*succeeded"
+status_message "The revision cooking task has been sucessfully executed"
+status_message "Checking that the cooked revision tarball can be downloaded"
+http_request_check GET ${SWH_WEB_API_BASEURL}/vault/revision/$revision/gitfast/raw/
+status_message "The cooked revision tarball is available for download"

File Metadata

Mime Type
Nov 4 2024, 8:44 PM (12 w, 5 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline