There is currently no end-to-end test to catch this regression.
I'm not certain whether there is something in place to write such tests,
but this is already better to have a working cli.
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ardumont - Group Reviewers
Reviewers - Commits
- rDLDHG9f1243f6529f: Fix `cli` module by passing the expected argument
Should there be a simple end-to-end test, like the .t files we have in
mercurial itself?
Diff Detail
- Repository
- rDLDHG Mercurial loader
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Event Timeline
Build is green
Patch application report for D5125 (id=18327)
Rebasing onto d8f28b70fa...
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Changes applied before test
commit 72661ea8632b4345dbce7f1f4fcd8a9cf0ca62ed Author: Raphaël Gomès <> Date: Mon Feb 22 15:01:06 2021 +0100 Fix `cli` module by passing the expected argument There is currently no end-to-end test to catch this regression. I'm not certain whether there is something in place to write such tests, but this is already better to have a working cli.
See for more details.
Nice catch.
Should there be a simple end-to-end test, like the .t files we have in
mercurial itself?
Well, it's not currently covered by test so your change is fine.
Also see [2]
It's more a toy to use locally, see the storage here for example is an in-memory one (no persistence).
Come to think of it now, by the way, the visit-date input should also be wrong, if provided it should be parsed the same way the tasks module do now...
[2] And by the way, to actually run the loader through the cli now, one should use:
swh loader run mercurial ...
swh loader run mercurial_from_disk
All in all, we should probably deprecate this module... and mention what i just told you...
I have no issue with deprecating this module if there is a more canonical way of doing the same thing, the mercurial-specific README will have to be adjusted, I simply tried the first example and got a traceback. :)
I have no issue with deprecating this module if there is a more canonical way of doing the same thing,
Yes, it's the same cli way for loaders now.
swh loader run <loader-type> ...
The list of supported loaders is seen with swh loader list iirc
the mercurial-specific README will have to be adjusted,
I simply tried the first example and got a traceback. :)
And thanks for trying to fix it ;)
Build is green
Patch application report for D5125 (id=18359)
Rebasing onto ef3a2ba79e...
Current branch diff-target is up to date.
Changes applied before test
commit 9f1243f6529f32ba8049d42c2f97964b8eb4bd30 Author: Raphaël Gomès <> Date: Mon Feb 22 15:01:06 2021 +0100 Fix `cli` module by passing the expected argument There is currently no end-to-end test to catch this regression. I'm not certain whether there is something in place to write such tests, but this is already better to have a working cli.
See for more details.
Should there be a simple end-to-end test, like the .t files we have in
mercurial itself?Well, it's not currently covered by test so your change is fine.
Also see [2]It's more a toy to use locally, see the storage here for example is an in-memory one (no persistence).
Come to think of it now, by the way, the visit-date input should also be wrong, if provided it should be parsed the same way the tasks module do now...
[2] And by the way, to actually run the loader through the cli now, one should use:
swh loader run mercurial ...or
swh loader run mercurial_from_diskAll in all, we should probably deprecate this module... and mention what i just told you...
D5138 deprecates that cli.
D5132 updates the readme to mention the good cli to use.